TestProject – Call one Test Cases from another test case
There might be a scenario where you may want to repeat the same set of steps in different test cases e.g. loading the main url (think of scenario @BeforeTest or…
Read array in YAML with Jackson library
In the blog [Read simple YAML file with JAVA], we have seen how to parse a simple YAML file with the help of Jackson library. Let’s see how to read…
Read simple YAML file with JAVA
We know YAML file is used as configuration file, to store and transmit data. So YAML file can be used to store test data in Test Automation. The test data…
Test Project – Coded Test Case
Similar to add ons, we can also create coded test cases which can be used a stand alone test case or can be a test case which can used by…
Gradle with Selenium
This blog is for the automation testers who are aware of Maven build tool. We will not venture into the typical points such as what Gradle, why it is used…
Running Nested TestCase in a Loop
How will we run a nested test case in a loop? Example: Think of a scenario where we have to repeat the filling up Address, Email and Phone fields 3…
TestProject – Multiple AddOns
In the TestProject Addon page we have learnt how to create an add on and import to the TestProject. Now lets see how to create more than one addon in…
TestProject AddOn
What is TestProject Addon From testproject addon page – an addon is a collection of coded actions you can use within any test. It’s all stored in TestProject’s collaborative addons…
Springboot, Selenium and Application Properties file
Previously I have written 3 blogs on Springboot with Selenium Springboot and TestNG Springboot, TestNG and POM Web Test Automation – Page Object Model with Springboot, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver…
Web Test Automation – Page Object Model with Springboot, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver
Read the previous blog before continuing with this topic. Click here to read more. Let’s create a Page Object Model design pattern with Spring Boot, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver. From…
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