Springboot, Selenium and Application Properties file
Previously I have written 3 blogs on Springboot with Selenium Springboot and TestNG Springboot, TestNG and POM Web Test Automation – Page Object Model with Springboot, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver…
Web Test Automation – Page Object Model with Springboot, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver
Read the previous blog before continuing with this topic. Click here to read more. Let’s create a Page Object Model design pattern with Spring Boot, TestNG and Selenium WebDriver. From…
Springboot, TestNG and POM
Now we have seen how to create a TestNG test case and run it successfully. Let’s create a test framework mimicking Page Object Model automation framework. In standard framework we…
Springboot and TestNG
In the market there are lot of test automation tutorials which describe the standard framework involving Selenium Webdriver for Java, TestNG & Maven. And the most widely used design pattern…
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